AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS CodeStar

Streamline Platform Engineering using AWS CodeStar Connections with AWS Service Catalog

Introduction AWS Service Catalog and AWS CloudFormation now support Git-sync capabilities to allow Platform Engineers to streamline their DevOps processes by keeping their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates in their source control libraries like GitHub and BitBucket. These enhancements help Platform Engineers to more effectively create, version, and manage their Well-Architected patterns with application teams […]

Handling Region parity with infrastructure as code

Handling Region parity with infrastructure as code

AWS CloudFormation allows you to create and manage resources with templates. AWS provides a number of Regions where its services and features are available. Although it can be beneficial to deploy the same AWS CloudFormation template in multiple Regions, customers who operate in multiple Regions face challenges due to parity differences among services and their […]