AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: AWS OpsWorks

Using AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate in a federated environment

Many large enterprises operate on a federated model. That is, they are separated into different business units or organizations, with different goals, procedures, and skill sets. These enterprises typically use a system to manage their infrastructure configuration and changes. You might ask, “Can we apply a federated model to configuration management? If so, what are […]

2017 Year in Review: AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate and Puppet Enterprise

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate and AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise provide fully managed Chef and Puppet servers with a suite of automation tools for infrastructure and application management. Enterprise customers rely on OpsWorks for easy configuration management and secure maintenance as the service automatically patches, updates, and backs up servers. This blog post gives […]

AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise and an alternate implementation for policy based auto signing

AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise was released in November of 2017. It has a secure API (associate node) that provides a secure, convenient, and AWS-integrated method to sign certificates for clients of OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise. This secure API is ideal for use within a user data script when being used for AWS CloudFormation (which […]

How to Manage Credentials in AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise using Hiera-eyaml

For customers new to configuration management with AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise (OWPE), a frequently-asked question is “How do I store sensitive data, such as database passwords, for use in my manifests?” Hiera allows you to manage and access data from various backends (data storage locations). By default, Hiera 5 supports YAML, JSON, and HOCON […]

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate Now Supports Compliance

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate gives you a fully managed Chef server with a suite of automation tools.  The release of Chef Automate version 1.6 includes the new Compliance view for Chef Automate UI. With AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate integrated with compliance, you can track the compliance of your infrastructure based on a predefined policy. […]

OpsWorks for Chef Automate – Automatically Bootstrapping Nodes in Different Accounts

Lots of us today are managing multiple AWS accounts. Although having multiple accounts can bring you  benefits, such as more granular control of resources and access, decentralized control, and simpler billing. Multiple accounts can also introduce some challenges. A challenge we face in this blog post is having a centralized configuration management server with its […]

Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Automation is now a Amazon CloudWatch Events Target

Today we are excited to announce a new target for Amazon CloudWatch Events: Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Automation. Through this integration, Automation workflows can be triggered by a schedule, or when specific AWS system events occur. Automation is part of Amazon EC2 Systems Manager.  Using Automation you can build workflows that are streamlined, repeatable and auditable. […]

Windows AMI Patching and Maintenance with Amazon EC2 Systems Manager

The Automation service, which is part of Amazon EC2 Systems Manager, helps you save time and the effort associated with routine management operations. Automation workflows are streamlined, repeatable, and auditable. For example, you can easily automate manual tasks such as golden image creation, baking applications into Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), or patching and updating agents. […]

Introducing Tagging Support for AWS OpsWorks Stacks

AWS now supports tagging of AWS OpsWorks Stacks application environments. Tags that you add to a stack and layer now automatically propagate down to all underlying AWS resources, including Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, Amazon RDS databases, Amazon EBS volumes, and Amazon ECS clusters. This benefits everyone who wants to track their […]