AWS Open Source Blog

Open Source Love at FOSDEM 2019

FOSDEM logo.

中文版 – It’s that time of the year again, and thousands of open source enthusiasts will be traveling to Brussels, Belgium to attend FOSDEM to soak up as much as they can in 700 sessions covering hundreds of open source projects, across the span of two days at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solbosch Campus. For those of you who aren’t aware of this wonderful event, FOSDEM is an open source conference for the software developer community that’s entirely free to attend.

Not only is AWS sponsoring in 2019, a variety of Amazonians will be attending, speaking and participating in FOSDEM this year:

Saturday, February 2

Sunday, February 3

It will be a full two days, and we hope the forecast is accurate and the rain stays at bay! We’re looking forward to seeing old friends, making new connections, and learning from one another. See you in Brussels!


Shirley Bailes

Shirley Bailes

Shirley is a senior open source program manager at AWS, striving every day to change hearts and minds and provide value to the communities she serves. In her spare time, Shirley volunteers for open source community events and is still trying to get past chapter 1 of How to be an Extroverted Introvert.