AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: Compute


Deploying an HPC cluster and remote visualization in a single step using AWS ParallelCluster

Since its initial release in November 2018, AWS ParallelCluster (an AWS-supported open source tool) has made it easier and more cost effective for users to manage and deploy HPC clusters in the cloud. Since then, the team has continued to enhance the product with more configuration flexibility and enhancements like built-in support for the Elastic […]

AWS Parallel Cluster graphic

AWS ParallelCluster

中文版 Orchestration software has played a key role in cluster bring-up and management for decades. Dating back to solutions like SunCluster, PSSP, and community solutions such as CFEngine, the need to launch many resources together to enable large parallel applications continues to be a vital part of the High Performance Computing (HPC) environment. AWS has […]