AWS Startups Blog

AWS Editorial Team

Author: AWS Editorial Team

Amazon Web Services

real user monitoring for CDN

What Startups Should Know Before Choosing a CDN

In this post, I don’t discuss what a CDN is or whether you should use a CDN to improve performance (you probably already know the answer to both). Rather, my goal here is to help you make an informed decision if you do choose to go with a CDN. Because there are many different CDN providers in the market today, choosing the right one based on your business needs is essential.

launch darkly AWS use case

Continuous Delivery and Effective Feature Flagging with LaunchDarkly

We saw the larger companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter) invest heavily in custom-built feature flagging infrastructure to roll features out to whom they want, when they want. Smaller companies were building and maintaining their own feature flagging infrastructure or doing without. That’s where we saw an opportunity to start up LaunchDarkly. We’re going to share how we started, issues we ran into, and how AWS helped us scale.