AWS Startups Blog

Intel Drone 100 Light Show AWS

The Future of Drones is Bright!

By Amanda Mackay, Loft Manager, AWS Startups I haven’t been on a vacation in the past six months where I didn’t see a drone. Just last weekend I was at the top of Donner Summit taking in the beauty of the Sierra Mountains, only to have one zoom past me to get the perfect photo…one […]

Mackenzie Kosut and Edith Yeung at the AWS Loft SF

How to Get Funded: Seven Keys to Get Backing from a Silicon Valley VC

The AWS Pop-up Loft in San Francisco filled up quickly on Monday night as attendees from Silicon Valley startups eagerly awaited Edith Yeung, General Partner at 500 China and Mobile Collective Microfund. This would not be a traditional ‘Loft Talk’ about architecting on AWS, or using serverless securely, so why was the AWS Loft packed […]

Loft SF PR Buzz

Relationships and PR Buzz: 5 Tips Every Startup Should Know

I always get the best ideas while I’m in the middle of another task, but trying to capture those thoughts and convince others of their brilliance is another story. Just knowing that your idea could be tossed aside before you’ve had a chance to explain yourself can be nerve-wracking. So I jumped at the chance […]