AWS Startups Blog

Tag: AWS CloudFormation

Should Startups Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

When you’re an early stage startup, nothing seems more important than being quick. However, prioritizing speed and skipping a little bit of engineering time for foundational work can end up being a huge mistake, and there’s one in particular that gets made all too often in the startup world: not using Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Why Every Startup Should Set Up a Budget — and How AWS Budgets Makes It Easy.

As a startup, chances are you’re prioritizing speed to build fast and get your product onto the market as soon as possible. While being laser-focused on your product is essential, it also means it’s easy to overlook your AWS spend, especially if you’re running off credit programs like AWS Activate. With AWS Budgets, you’ll be able to monitor costs and usage over time, allowing you to optimize your monthly bill and maximize usage of the perpetual AWS free tier once you’ve transitioned off of credits.