AWS Storage Blog

A guide to hybrid cloud storage, edge computing, and data transfer sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019

UPDATE: The AWS re:Invent links in this post are outdated. Please visit the AWS Events channel on YouTube for a complete on-demand playlist of AWS Storage sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019.

In one of our recent AWS Storage blog posts, we shared an all-in storage guide for re:Invent so you can maximize your time at the conference. We have more than 150 storage sessions ranging from breakouts, chalk talks, builder sessions, and workshops. Don’t wait to reserve your spot for your favorite sessions, and be sure to check out the hybrid cloud storage, edge computing, and data transfer sessions at re:Invent.

What to do next

  1. If you have never been to re:Invent, watch the “How to re:Invent” videos here.
  2. Check out all of the storage sessions in the catalog here.
  3. Reserve your seats for the storage leadership session – STG201-L – Leadership session: Storage state of the union – where we will highlight the latest innovations across all AWS storage services. Join us to learn what’s new in AWS object, file, and block storage, as well as in hybrid, edge, and data transfer services. You will also hear from major AWS storage customers about how they’re using AWS storage to create a competitive advantage in their businesses.
  4. Reserve your seat for your favorite hybrid cloud storage, edge computing, and data transfer sessions, conveniently listed below!

Breakout sessions

Lecture style and 60 minutes long. These sessions will take place throughout the re:Invent campus and cover all topics at all levels (200–400). Sessions are delivered by AWS experts, customers, and partners, and they typically include 10–15 minutes of Q&A at the end.

Chalk talks

Highly interactive content format with a smaller audience. They begin with a 10–15-minute lecture delivered by an AWS expert, followed by a 45–50-minute Q&A session with the audience. The goal is to foster a technical discussion around real-world architecture challenges.


Two-hour, hands-on sessions where you work in teams to solve problems using AWS. Workshops organize attendees into small groups and provide scenarios to encourage interaction, giving you the opportunity to learn from and teach each other. Each workshop starts with a 10–15-minute lecture by the main speaker, and the rest of the time is spent working as a group. Come prepared with your laptop and willingness to learn! AWS will provide credits.

Builder sessions

60-minute small group sessions with up to six customers and one AWS expert, who is there to help, answer questions, and provide guidance. You will use your laptop to experiment and build with the AWS expert after a short demonstration.

Make the most of your time

Keep your nights free and don’t miss out on peculiar activities you can take advantage of at re:Invent beyond attending sessions. And don’t forget to spend time meeting and networking with your account team, AWS experts, and peers!

We look forward to seeing you in a few days at re:Invent!

Brendan Sysun

Brendan Sysun

Brendan Sysun is a senior product marketing manager at AWS. He enjoys writing about customer-obsessed AWS news, including how our AWS solutions are positively impacting the world around us. He is based in Boston, enjoys traveling and exploring, and loves spending time with his wife and extended family.