AWS News Blog
AWS Management Console Now Supports Amazon S3
The AWS Management Console now includes support for Amazon S3. You can upload and download individual objects and groups of objects. You can control permissions and metadata, and you can create sub-folders to further organize the contents of your buckets.
Here’s a rundown on the major features…
Your buckets are shown on the left; the objects in the selected bucket are shown on the right, as are any sub-folders:

The bucket menu contains the following actions:

The object menu contains the following actions:

You can copy or cut an object from one bucket or folder and then paste it in to another one. The Make Public command is a one-click way to set an object’s ACL for public-read.
Here’s a close-up view of the bucket list:

You can select multiple files for upload:

You can set file permissions as part of the upload process:

And you can also set metadata for each S3 object. You can chose from a number of common HTTP header names (and suggested values) or you can set custom headers:

The console supports all of the Amazon S3 regions and is ready to be used now.