AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog
Category: AWS Lambda
Running a Serverless Malware Scanner at Scale Using AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions
Explore a solution Contino built for a client to automate security scanning on software packages. This allowed developers to continue building, without added friction, and helped security teams be confident that vulnerabilities are discovered early and didn’t make their way to production. Learn about the context Contino was working with and the approach it took, and the technical challenges faced. After reading this post, you’ll understand how to develop a similar solution for your organization and some pitfalls to avoid.
Building Serverless SaaS Microservices with AWS Lambda Layers
Building multi-tenant systems can represent a major effort for some teams. This post focuses on introducing strategies that allow developers to write their day-to-day code without having to think about how tenancy might influence their implementation. AWS Lambda Layers allow SaaS architects to centralize tenant-aware libraries without impacting the size or load-time of your application’s functions.
How AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Lambda Allow Legacy Hardware to be Cloud-Enabled
Much of the hardware used on the factory floor today has been in place for many years, and managing these devices from the internet often requires replacement of the hardware. Utilizing AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Lambda functions allow legacy hardware to be maintained, while providing full internet connectivity and management. This post shows how 42Q, an AWS Industrial Software Competency Partner, uses AWS IoT Greengrass to allow legacy label printers to be cloud-enabled.
How Sumo Logic Ensures Reliability with AWS Lambda Observability
AWS Lambda allows you to run your code without provisioning or managing servers. Observability requires a different and more integrated set of telemetry that gives a comprehensive picture of your functions. Learn how this AWS service is used in practice and how Sumo Logic helps demystify Lambda observability by streamlining telemetry ingestion, unifying data, and correlating insights across disparate services.
Zero Friction AWS Lambda Instrumentation: A Practical Guide to Extensions
As serverless architectures start to grow, finding the right troubleshooting approach becomes a business-critical aspect. In this post, dive into the “instrumentation approach” and how to keep track of internal events within an AWS Lambda function, and how to export processed telemetry data. Lumigo shares a practical guide on how to use AWS Lambda Extensions and follow a storyline of extracting internal events from Lambda functions, processing them, and sending telemetry data to external services.
Experience Digital’s Purpose-Built Assessment Tool Created Using AWS Lambda
Given the sensitive nature of the data capture process within the health landscape, humanizing the experience when digitizing information is crucial, with a keen focus on a personalized user experience not to be compromised on. The key lies in the approach taken to design and deliver on the fundamental capabilities of serverless architecture. Learn how Experience Digital converted offline resources into a broadscale digital toolset for MedHealth as part of a roll-out across Australia.
How an AWS Lambda Function Can Be Integrated with Box Webhooks
There are multiple use cases where applications running on AWS may require a Lambda function to process the file stored in Box storage before it’s sent to the next stage for further processing. This post explains how a Lambda function can be invoked on the upload of a file in a Box folder using a webhook. With the help of a Box webhook and Amazon API Gateway, users can invoke a Lambda function on file upload operation and download the file to Amazon S3.
Implementing SaaS Tenant Isolation Using Amazon SageMaker Endpoints and IAM
As multi-tenant SaaS providers look to leverage machine learning services, they must consider how they’ll protect the data that flows in and out of these services from different tenants. Learn how tenant isolation of machine learning services can be achieved using AWS IAM, and how the integration between IAM, Amazon SageMaker, and many other AWS services provide developers with a rich set of mechanisms that can be applied to realize tenant isolation goals.
Complexities and Best Practices for AWS Lambda Logging
Serverless has many benefits, but logging from AWS Lambda is like an artistic, creative process. It requires thought and vision to bring together the pieces and assemble them into something organized and functional. The Big Compass Serverless Logging Framework is also a validated AWS solution that helps standardize logs across teams, business units, and Lambdas, easing the burden of implementing a complicated logging framework.
Warming Amazon EC2 Instances Using AWS Lambda to Improve Application Availability
The legacy nature of its Windows application was a challenge faced by a rail manufacturer while migrating to AWS was. Refactoring the application to leverage AWS cloud-native features was not a viable option in this case, as the vendor had stopped their software maintenance and support. Learn how IBM leveraged AWS to improve the application’s long startup time by implementing a warming functionality using AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager.