AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Complexities and Best Practices for AWS Lambda Logging

Serverless has many benefits, but logging from AWS Lambda is like an artistic, creative process. It requires thought and vision to bring together the pieces and assemble them into something organized and functional. The Big Compass Serverless Logging Framework is also a validated AWS solution that helps standardize logs across teams, business units, and Lambdas, easing the burden of implementing a complicated logging framework.


Warming Amazon EC2 Instances Using AWS Lambda to Improve Application Availability

The legacy nature of its Windows application was a challenge faced by a rail manufacturer while migrating to AWS was. Refactoring the application to leverage AWS cloud-native features was not a viable option in this case, as the vendor had stopped their software maintenance and support. Learn how IBM leveraged AWS to improve the application’s long startup time by implementing a warming functionality using AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager.


Preventing Malware in Serverless Web Applications with SophosLabs Intelix

Building web applications in a serverless environment has brought many advantages, but with every big shift there are certain practices such as malware protection that need to be reinvented. Organizations need a solution that’s easy to query from web application via API with no infrastructure required. Learn how SophosLabs Intelix offers a suite of APIs which provide specific, actionable intelligence about files.

Cloud Anything-9

Applying Dynamically Generated Isolation Policies in SaaS Environments

As part of adopting a multi-tenant SaaS model, a key challenge is how to provide strong tenant isolation in a cost effective and scalable manner. Being able to effectively isolate your tenants is an important part of a multi-tenant system. Learn how dynamic policy generation gets applied as part of the overall isolation story of your SaaS solution, and follow along with AWS reference implementation to demonstrate how to use dynamically generated policies in code.

Data Tokenization with Amazon Redshift and Protegrity

Many companies are using Amazon Redshift to analyze and transform their data. As data continues to grow and become even more important, they are looking for more ways to extract valuable insights. One use case we’re especially excited to support is that of data tokenization and masking. Amazon Redshift has collaborated with Protegrity, an AWS Advanced Technology Partner, to enable organizations with strict security requirements to protect their data while being able to obtain the powerful insights.


Leveraging Serverless Architecture to Build an Enterprise Data Repository Platform for Customer Insights and Analytics

Moving data between multiple data stores requires an extract, transform, load (ETL) process using various data analysis approaches. ETL operations form the backbone of any modern enterprise data and analytics platform. AWS provides a broad range of services to deploy enterprise-grade applications in the cloud. This post explores a strategic collaboration between Tech Mahindra and a customer to build and deploy an enterprise data repository on AWS and create ETL workflows using a serverless architecture.


How Thundra Decreased Data Processing Pipeline Delay By 3x on Average and 6x on P99

It can be complicated to maintain a robust, scalable, and reliable monitoring system that inputs terabytes of data under heavy traffic. Learn how Thundra has delivered 99.9 percent availability to customers since incorporating AWS services into its product. Thundra’s platform can handle scalability and availability challenges, recover both from partial failures and major outages, and support point-in-time recovery in case of disaster.


How to Implement Object-Based Authorization in Serverless Applications Using Amazon Cognito

When building a complex web service such as a serverless application, sooner or later you must deal with permission control. Amazon Cognito is a powerful authentication and authorization service managed by AWS and is often combined with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to build secure serverless web services. Through the blueprint of an AWS Lambda authorizer, learn how to implement object-based authorization in serverless applications on AWS.


Intelligent Case Management Using Amazon Connect and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

There is a flurry of contact center solutions being brought to market, but enterprise customers often find these solutions time-consuming, cost-intensive, and difficult to implement. Learn how to integrate an Amazon Connect instance with Salesforce Service Cloud to automatically create a case in Salesforce using REST APIs and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This allows you to proactively handles call drops occurring for customers when they dial into a contact center solution.


How to Upgrade Large Windows 2008 R2 Workloads in Place

Upgrading legacy systems to the cloud can seem daunting and time-consuming, but with the right combination of AWS Systems Manager, AWS Directory Service, and a few simple AWS Lambda functions, you can upgrade from your outdated Windows environments flawlessly, seamlessly, and at scale. Learn how you can run an in-place upgrade of your Windows 2008 R2 production instances to Windows 2019 R2, and how to control instance tagging so you can orchestrate the root volume replacement process.