AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Amazon Web Services

Modeling SaaS Tenant Profiles on AWS

Editor’s note: For the latest information, visit the SaaS on AWS website. By Tod Golding, Partner Solutions Architect at AWS Most software companies understand the importance of being customer focused. The adoption of agile software development practices was heavily influenced by the needs of software organizations to connect to, and focus on, the continually evolving […]

New on the AWS Enterprise Blog: The Future of Managed Services in the Cloud

As part of his Enterprise Cloud Journey series, Stephen Orban, Head of Enterprise Strategy at AWS, published a piece today on the AWS Enterprise Blog about how managed services have evolved in the cloud. We’ve spoken at length on the APN Blog about the importance of understanding how managed services are different in the cloud, and what […]

Helping Customers Do More with Data – Introducing mLab, Formerly Known as MongoLab

Formed in 2011, MongoLab’s goal is to make software developers more productive. An Advanced APN Technology Partner and AWS SaaS Partner, MongoLab offers customers a fully managed cloud database service featuring automated provisioning and scaling of MongoDB databases, backup and recovery, 24/7 monitoring and alerting, web-based management tools, and expert support. Looking forward, the team […]

Business Model Transformation on AWS – Wipro, the New AWS Partner Success Story

Today, we’d like to highlight our newest AWS Partner Success Story featuring Wipro, a Global Systems Integrator, Premier APN Consulting Partner, AWS Managed Service Provider, and AWS Life Sciences Competency Partner. Headquartered in Bangalore, India, Wipro is a global IT consulting and system integration services firm that develops and implements solutions for enterprises across the globe. […]

AWS Summits

Are You Joining Us at the AWS Summit in Chicago?

Hosted around the world, AWS Summits provide you with a wealth of in-person resources to help you learn what’s new with AWS, and how to take advantage of the AWS platform. With the AWS Summit – Chicago fast approaching on April 18 – 19th, we want to highlight some of the benefits you can gain as an APN Partner by attending. Getting trained and certified on AWS is one of the most important steps in the APN Partner journey.

Accelerating Cloud Transformation for Telecom Providers – Ericsson and AWS

Are you a telecom provider looking to transform your business on the cloud? If yes, then we have an exciting announcement to share with you. Today, APN Consulting Partner Ericsson announced plans to form a global business, technology, and services alliance with AWS to accelerate cloud transformation for telecom service providers. Ericsson is creating a […]

US Veterans Now Eligible For AWS Certification Exam Reimbursement

We have some exciting news for US veterans working at AWS Partner Network (APN) firms. To help veterans succeed, we’ve worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs to make AWS Certification exams eligible for VA reimbursement. Qualifying US veterans covered under a GI Bill can now submit a reimbursement request to the Department of Veterans Affairs […]

Improving the Reader Experience: The Globe and Mail, ClearScale, and AWS

We recently announced that we’ll be opening an AWS Region in Canada in the coming year. Today, we’d like to share the story of The Globe and Mail, a Canadian customer already taking advantage of the benefits of the AWS platform, with the help of Premier APN Consulting Partner ClearScale. The company is also an AWS Big Data, DevOps, Marketing & […]