AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: VMware Cloud on AWS

AWS Cloud Automation

Innovations in Backup and Restore, AWS Lambda Monitoring, and Natural Language Generation

We see many AWS Partners doing great things and innovating on the AWS Cloud. Veeam is bringing backup technology to the cloud; IOpipe helps you get better insight into your AWS Lambda functions; and Narrative Science uses machine learning to generate auto reports from your big data. These are just a few of the innovations being driven by members of the AWS Partner Network (APN), the global partner program for AWS that is focused on helping you build a successful AWS-based business.

VMware Cloud on AWS_blue

Diving Deep on the Foundational Blocks of VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS enables customers to extend their on-premises data centers and easily migrate application workloads without having to convert machine image formats or undergo a re-platforming process. Customers no longer have to over-provision hardware resources to accommodate for host failures. Instead, they can increase utilization of the cluster resources, as host failure replacement takes minutes, not days or weeks. In this post, we dive deeper into the foundational blocks that make up this service.

VMware Cloud on AWS

Securing Workloads on VMware Cloud on AWS Using Native AWS Services

With the recent launch of VMware Cloud on AWS, you can now run workloads on VMware-managed SDDC clusters installed on special bare metal hardware provided by Amazon Amazon EC2 services. This post describes a solution for securing workloads on VMware Cloud on AWS that we demonstrated at VMworld 2017. VMware workloads that run in the SDDC cluster can leverage different levels of AWS network and application protection capabilities with minimum to no changes to their application settings.

VMware Cloud on AWS

Best Practices for Virtualizing Oracle RAC with VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS brings VMware’s Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) to the AWS Cloud, and now many Business Critical Application workloads that were previously difficult to deploy in the cloud no longer require significant platform modifications. A Better Together demonstration that AWS and VMware co-presented at VMworld 2017 using an Oracle RAC database. Enterprises using Oracle RAC now have a seamless transition path to cloud with VMware Cloud on AWS.

Learn About the VMware Cloud on AWS Partner Program, Coming in 2017

Earlier this year, VMware and Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a strategic alliance to build and deliver a seamlessly integrated hybrid offering that will give customers the full software-defined data center (SDDC) experience from the leader in the private cloud, running on the world’s most popular, trusted, and robust public cloud. VMware Cloud™ on AWS […]