AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Amazon QuickSight

Samba file share solution diagram

Field Notes: Ingest and Visualize Your Flat-file IoT Data with AWS IoT Services

Customers who maintain manufacturing facilities often find it challenging to ingest, centralize, and visualize IoT data that is emitted in flat-file format from their factory equipment. While modern IoT-enabled industrial devices can communicate over standard protocols like MQTT, there are still some legacy devices that generate useful data but are only capable of writing it […]

ML Solution Architecture

Field Notes: Gaining Insights into Labeling Jobs for Machine Learning

In an era where more and more data is generated, it becomes critical for businesses to derive value from it. With the help of supervised learning, it is possible to generate models to automatically make predictions or decisions by leveraging historical data. For example, image recognition for self-driving cars, predicting anomalies on X-rays, fraud detection […]

3 views of the architecture

Why Deployment Requirements are Important When Making Architectural Choices

Introduction Too often, architects fall into the trap of thinking the architecture of an application is restricted to just the runtime part of the architecture. By doing this we focus on only a single customer (such as the application’s users and how they interact with the system) and we forget about other important customers like […]

Store, Protect, Optimize Your Healthcare Data with AWS: Part 2

Leveraging Analytics and Machine Learning Tools for Readmissions Prediction This blog post was co-authored by Ujjwal Ratan, a senior AI/ML solutions architect on the global life sciences team. In Part 1, we looked at various options to ingest and store sensitive healthcare data using AWS. The post described our shared responsibility model and provided a […]