AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

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Let’s Architect! Designing architectures for multi-tenancy

Understanding architectural patterns for multi-tenancy has become crucial for architects and developers aiming to deliver scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions. Isolating tenant data is a fundamental responsibility for Software as a Service (SaaS) providers. In this edition of Let’s Architect!, we talk about comprehensive exploration of multi-tenant architectures, covering various aspects, such as SaaS microservices, […]

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Let’s Architect! Designing microservices architectures

In 2022, we published Let’s Architect! Architecting microservices with containers. We covered integrations patterns and some approaches for implementing microservices using containers. In this Let’s Architect! post, we want to drill down into microservices only, by focusing on the main challenges that software architects and engineers face while working on large distributed systems structured as […]

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Let’s Architect! Getting started with containers

Most of AWS customers building cloud-native applications or modernizing applications choose containers to run their microservices applications to accelerate innovation and time to market while lowering their total cost of ownership (TCO). Using containers in AWS comes with other benefits, such as increased portability, scalability, and flexibility. The combination of containers technologies and AWS services […]

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Let’s Architect! Monitoring production systems at scale

“Everything fails, all the time” is a famous quote from Amazon’s Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels. This means that software and distributed systems may eventually fail because something can always go wrong. We have to accept this and design our systems accordingly, test our software and services, and think about all the possible edge cases. […]

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Let’s Architect! Streamlining business with migration and modernization

Many customers migrate their systems to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to increase their competitive edge and drive business value. To maximize the benefits of a cloud migration, companies tend to move their applications in conjunction with modernization initiatives. These joined efforts help your applications gain more agility, scalability, and resilience. Modernizing the portfolio of workloads […]

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Let’s Architect! Architecting a data mesh

Data architectures were mainly designed around technologies rather than business domains in the past. This changed in 2019, when Zhamak Dehghani introduced the data mesh. Data mesh is an application of the Domain-Driven-Design (DDD) principles to data architectures: Data is organized into data domains and the data is the product that the team owns and […]

David Chaiken, Chief Architect at Pinterest, describes Pinterest’s sustainability journey with AWS

Architecting for Sustainability at AWS re:Invent 2022

AWS re:Invent 2022 featured 24 breakout sessions, chalk talks, and workshops on sustainability. In this blog post, we’ll highlight the sessions and announcements and discuss their relevance to the sustainability of, in, and through the cloud. First, we’ll look at AWS’ initiatives and progress toward delivering efficient, shared infrastructure, water stewardship, and sourcing renewable power. […]

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Let’s Architect! Architecture tools

Tools, such as diagramming software, low-code applications, and frameworks, make it possible to experiment quickly. They are essential in today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world. From improving efficiency and accuracy, to enhancing collaboration and creativity, a well-defined set of tools can make a significant impact on the quality and success of a project in the area […]

Author Spotlight: Eduardo Monich Fronza, Senior Partner Solutions Architect, Linux and IBM

The Author Spotlight series pulls back the curtain on some of AWS’s most prolific authors. Read on to find out more about our very own Eduardo Monich Fronza’s journey, in his own words! I have been a Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) for just over two years. In this period, I have […]