AWS Architecture Blog

Tag: serverless

Updates to Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. As we sail past the halfway point between re:Invent 2018 and re:Invent 2019, I’d like to revisit some of the recent serverless announcements we’ve made. These are all complimentary to the patterns discussed in the re:Invent architecture track’s Serverless Architectural […]

Serverless Dynamic Web Pages in AWS: Provisioned with CloudFormation

***This blog is authored by Mike Okner of Monsanto, an AWS customer. It originally appeared on the Monsanto company blog. Minor edits were made to the original post.*** Recently, I was looking to create a status page app to monitor a few important internal services. I wanted this app to be as lightweight, reliable, and […]