AWS Cloud Financial Management

The Keys To AWS Optimization Season 4 highlights

That’s a wrap for Season 4 of the top-rated AWS Twitch show, ‘The Keys to AWS Optimization.’ Hosts Steph Gooch and Alex Head share stories, concepts, and solutions to help you unlock your spend at AWS. Each week they’re joined by a special guest to give you actionable insights and recommendations you can walk away with and apply to your business.

In case you missed it or are looking to explore a new cost optimization resource, we’re sharing the top 3 episodes of Season 4:

1.  AWS Billing Conductor |  S4 E5

AWS Sr. Technical Account Manager Matt Berk joined the show to walk through AWS Billing Conductor (or ABC, as we like to call it). ABC supports your billing and reporting workflows by allowing you to customize your billing rates, distribute credits and fees, and share overhead costs at your discretion. In this session, Matt shares the what, why, and how of ABC, and gives a demo on how to create billing groups, pricing models, and custom line items. If you’re interested in using this new tool to customize your billing data to match your desired business structure, this is a great starting point.

2.  Jeff Barr | S4 E9

Vice President & Chief Evangelist at AWS Jeff Barr joins Steph and Alex to chat about optimizations and answer viewer questions like what he thinks is the most important cost optimization service/opportunity customers should be thinking about right now, or what the best mechanisms for cost control are. Watch this episode to hear his answers and thoughts on data, billing alerts, and AWS Graviton.

3.  New Compute Optimizer Dashboard | S4E13

Anyone here use Compute Optimizer? Well in this episode we discuss and walk through the new Cloud Intelligence Dashboards (CID) with Sr. Technical Account Manager Iakov Gan. This dashboard helps your organization visualize and trace rightsizing recommendations from AWS Compute Optimizer. These recommendations will help you identify cost savings opportunities for over-provisioned resources and also see the operational risk from under-provisioned ones. Check out the episode now.

Keep track of your ‘Keys’

All of Season 4 is available here, and we’re gearing up to start Season 5 next week (22nd Sept)! The show airs 3:30pm BT, 10:30am ET, 7:30am PT on Twitch.

Register to receive meeting invites so you never miss a live show, and subscribe to the YouTube channel to see all episodes- new and old, to capitalize on the Keys to AWS Optimization.