AWS News Blog


Blueorganizer Alex from Adaptive Blue sent me a note about about a new release of their flagship product, the Blueorganizer.

Blueorganizer is an intelligent bookmark manager. Behind the scenes it uses Amazon S3 to store special types of bookmarks called bluemarks. If you install the product on more than one computer, your Bluemarks will be transparently shared and made available on all of them. Your Bluemarks are shown in a sidebar panel called the Blueorganizer, complete with ratings and tags. Once a product or site is marked, there are many ways to pivot around the information — finding other products by the same author, in the same product categories, with the same tags, and so forth.

Bluemarks can represent products (from Amazon and a number of other e-commerce sites) or web sites. There’s complete context-menu integration and easy access to the Blueorganizer using a toolbar button. The organizer has a myriad of well-organized options for sorting, filtering, and searching.

You can also share your selections through an RSS feed (stored in S3, of course), and you can publish them on a site using a Bluebadge.

All in all, very functional and very nicely done!

— Jeff;

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.