AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

Increasing Your Amazon EC2 Instance Limit

We have simplified the process of requesting additional EC2 instances. You no longer need to call me at home or send a box of dog biscuits to Rufus. You can now make a request by simply filling out the Request to Increase the Amazon EC2 Instance Limit form. We’ll need to know a little bit […]

EC2 Firefox Extension is now Open Source

The very cool EC2 Firefox Extension is now an open source project on SourceForge! The extension makes it really easy to launch and manage Amazon EC2 instances. After creating your keypairs and security groups, you can simply right-click on any of the listed AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) and choose to launch one or more instances. […]

Amazon EC2 Gets More Muscle

The Amazon EC2 team just added Large and Extra Large instance types to EC2. The former “one size fits all” instance type is now known as a Small instance. Large instances are 4 times larger in each dimension (CPU power, RAM, and disk storage) than the Small instances and cost $0.40 per hour. Extra Large […]

\HelloWorld\ Facebook Application AMI

I was quite curious to see how facebook applications can be built which use Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2 so I spent some time creating a “HelloWorld” facebook application that lists your Amazon S3 objects given the bucket name (basically integrate Amazon S3 libraries with Facebook libraries). I bundled up my code/configuration and created a […]

Start filling up your Shopping Cart with AMIs

Amazon EC2 allowed developers to create and bundle their software into Amazon Machine Images – Pre-packaged Pre-configured Filesystem. Developers were then able to share their AMIs with friends and family (no kidding) and even with the general public. Now with our brand new “Paid AMI support“, they can set their own price and earn perpetual […]

Amazon EC2 Helps Justin.TV Take on E3

Yesterday morning we received an email from the folks behind Justin.TV. They were preparing for a big splash at the E3 show and wanted to make sure that we were in a position to handle the increased load. We assured them that we were. Justin and his posse visited E3 and did a live broadcast […]