AWS News Blog

Category: Announcements

New – Real-User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch

Way back in 2009 I wrote a blog post titled New Features for Amazon EC2: Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon CloudWatch. In that post I talked about how Amazon CloudWatch helps you to build applications that are highly scalable and highly available, and noted that it gives you cost-effective real-time visibility into your […]

Cloudwatch evidently illustration

New – Amazon CloudWatch Evidently – Experiments and Feature Management

Update Nov 29, 2021 – This post has been modified to provide more clarity on the new service. As a developer, I am excited to announce the availability of Amazon CloudWatch Evidently. This is a new Amazon CloudWatch capability that makes it easy for developers to introduce experiments and feature management in their application code. […]

Console screenshot.

New for AWS Compute Optimizer – Resource Efficiency Metrics to Estimate Savings Opportunities and Performance Risks

By applying the knowledge drawn from Amazon’s experience running diverse workloads in the cloud, AWS Compute Optimizer identifies workload patterns and recommends optimal AWS resources. Today, I am happy to share that AWS Compute Optimizer now delivers resource efficiency metrics alongside its recommendations to help you assess how efficiently you are using AWS resources: A dashboard […]

Console screenshot.

New for AWS Compute Optimizer – Enhanced Infrastructure Metrics to Extend the Look-Back Period to Three Months

By using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics, AWS Compute Optimizer recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads to reduce costs and improve performance. Over-provisioning resources can lead to unnecessary infrastructure costs, and under-provisioning resources can lead to poor application performance. Compute Optimizer helps you choose optimal configurations for three types of AWS resources: […]

Preview – AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces Helps to Incrementally Refactor Your Applications

[Editor’s note : AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is generally available since Feb. 9th 2022] I am excited to announce the preview of AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces, a new capability of AWS Migration Hub to let you refactor existing applications into distributed applications, typically based on microservices. There are multiple reasons why you want […]

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer Introduces Secrets Detector to Identify Hardcoded Secrets and Secure Them with AWS Secrets Manager

Amazon CodeGuru helps you improve code quality and automate code reviews by scanning and profiling your Java and Python applications. CodeGuru Reviewer can detect potential defects and bugs in your code. For example, it suggests improvements regarding security vulnerabilities, resource leaks, concurrency issues, incorrect input validation, and deviation from AWS best practices. One of the […]

Preview – AWS IoT RoboRunner for Building Robot Fleet Management Applications

In 2018, we launched AWS RoboMaker, a cloud-based simulation service that enables robotics developers to run, scale, and automate simulation without managing any infrastructure. As we worked with robot developers and operators, we have repeatedly heard that they face challenges in operating different robot types in their automation efforts, including autonomous guided vehicles (AGV), autonomous […]

New – AWS Proton Supports Terraform and Git Repositories to Manage Templates

Today we are announcing the launch of two features for AWS Proton. First, the most requested one in the AWS Proton open roadmap, to define and provision infrastructure using Terraform. Second, the capability to manage AWS Proton templates directly from Git repositories. AWS Proton is a fully managed application delivery service for containers and serverless […]