AWS News Blog

The AWS Report – Tracy Laxdal Discusses AWS re:Invent

In the latest episode of The AWS Report, I spoke with my colleague Tracy Laxdal to learn more about what she and her team are planning for this year’s AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas. We talked about what it was like to walk in to the keynote in the presence of 6,000 AWS users and enthusiasts, and about the changes that she is making to make this conference even better. There conference has been extended with another half day of sessions and a pre-day of training bootcamps (see my recent blog post to learn more), a Hackathon, and Gameday for DevOps ninjas! Tracy even hinted about some surprises that she has in store for the re:Invent party.

Co-host Lee Zen talks to AWS Evangelist Jinesh Varia to learn about the Enterprise Track and AWS Evangelist Simone Brunozzi to find out about the AWS Hackathon that Simone is planning for re:Invent.

If you can take a minute to fill out our video survey after you finish watching, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks in advance.

— Jeff;