AWS Marketplace

Tag: Spark

Accelerating Spark workloads Amazon EMR Windjammer plugin

Accelerating Spark workloads on Amazon EMR with Windjammer’s Spark plugin

AWS customers often use Apache Spark for distributed big data processing. Spark has gained popularity due to its fast in-memory computing that enables parallel computation of tasks across multiple nodes. To aid customers with running Spark workloads, Amazon EMR provides a managed cluster platform that makes it easy to run frameworks such as Apache Hadoop, […]

Alluxio data orchestration Amazon EMR

Accelerate Amazon EMR Spark, Presto, and Hive with the Alluxio AMI

Data analytics workloads are increasingly being migrated to the cloud. Amazon EMR is a cloud-native big data platform that makes it easy to process vast amounts of data quickly and cost effectively at scale. Amazon EMR, along with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) provides a flexible storage platform. With the click of a few […]