AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon Kinesis

Visualizing Real-time, Geotagged Data with Amazon Kinesis

Nick Corbett is a Big Data Consultant for AWS Professional Services Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed service for processing real-time data at massive scale.  Whether you are building a system that collects data from remote sensors, aggregating log files from multiple servers, or creating the latest Internet of Things (IoT) solution, Amazon Kinesis lets […]

Implement a Real-time, Sliding-Window Application Using Amazon Kinesis and Apache Storm

Rahul Bhartia is an AWS Solutions Architect Streams of data are becoming ubiquitous today – clickstreams, log streams, event streams, and more. The need for real-time processing of high-volume data streams is pushing the limits of traditional data processing infrastructures. Building a clickstream monitoring system, for example, where data is in the form of a continuous clickstream rather […]

Hosting Amazon Kinesis Applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Ian Meyers is a Solutions Architecture Senior Manager with AWS Amazon Kinesis provides a scalable and highly available platform for ingesting data from thousands of clients. Once data is available on a Kinesis stream, you can build applications to process the data using the Kinesis Client Library (KCL). KCL provides a framework for managing many […]