AWS Compute Blog

Tag: FIFO queues

SQS FIFO example #2

New for AWS Lambda – SQS FIFO as an event source

AWS Lambda first announced support for Amazon SQS standard queues as an event source in April 2018. This allows builders to develop serverless applications using queues to directly invoke Lambda functions. Today, we have expanded this feature to include SQS FIFO queues. This makes it easier to create serverless applications using queues where the order […]

Solving Complex Ordering Challenges with Amazon SQS FIFO Queues

Contributed by Shea Lutton, AWS Cloud Infrastructure Architect Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a fully managed queuing service that helps decouple applications, distributed systems, and microservices to increase fault tolerance. SQS queues come in two distinct types: Standard SQS queues are able to scale to enormous throughput with at-least-once delivery. FIFO queues are […]