
Category: Auto Scaling

Scale your Amazon ECS using different AWS native services!

Containers accelerate application development and enhance deployment consistency across environments, thus enabling organizations to improve productivity and agility. AWS container services such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) make it easier to manage your application so you can focus on innovation and your business needs. Customer experience is the most important yardstick by which […]

How CoStar uses Karpenter to optimize their Amazon EKS Resources

Introduction CoStar is well known as a market leader for Commercial Real Estate data, but they also run major home, rental, and apartments websites —including—that many have seen advertised by Jeff Goldblum. CoStar’s traditional Commercial Real Estate customers are highly informed users that use large and complex data to make critical business decisions. Successfully […]

Autoscaling Amazon ECS services based on custom metrics with Application Auto Scaling

Introduction Application Auto Scaling is a web service for developers and system administrators who need a solution for automatically scaling their scalable resources for AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) services, Amazon DynamoDB tables, AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency, and more. Application Auto Scaling now offers support for scaling such resources using […]

Faster Scaling-in for Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

Faster Scaling-in for Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) customers who use Cluster auto scaling (CAS) have expressed that they would like to scale-in more quickly so that they can avoid paying extra charges for compute resources during scale-in events. To make scaling-in more responsive, today we are pleased to introduce an enhancement to increase the scale-in step […]

Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

Introduction Up until recently, ensuring that the number of EC2 instances in your ECS cluster would scale as needed to accommodate your tasks and services could be challenging.  ECS clusters could not always scale out when needed, and scaling in could impact availability unless handled carefully. Sometimes, customers would resort to custom tooling such as […]