
Category: *Post Types

ADOT Collector Pipeline

Cost savings by customizing metrics sent by Container Insights in Amazon EKS

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) is an AWS-provided distribution of the OpenTelemetry project. The ADOT Collector receives and exports data from multiple sources and destinations. Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights now supports ADOT for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This will enable customers to perform advanced configurations, such as customizing metrics […]

Spark Jobs dashboard

Best practices for running Spark on Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS is becoming a popular choice among AWS customers for scheduling Spark applications on Kubernetes. It’s fully managed but still offers full Kubernetes capabilities for consolidating different workloads and getting a flexible scheduling API to optimize resources consumption. But Kubernetes is complex, and not all data engineers are familiar with how to set up […]

Collecting data from edge devices using Kubernetes and AWS IoT Greengrass V2

Kubernetes is open-source software that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. It manages clusters of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) compute instances and runs containers on those instances with processes for deployment, maintenance, and scaling. Using Kubernetes, you can run any type of containerized application using the same toolset on […]

Secure end-to-end traffic on Amazon EKS using TLS certificate in ACM, ALB, and Istio

I was helping a customer to migrate a Kubernetes workload from an on-premises data center into Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). The customer had an existing investment in Istio and wanted to continue using it as their preferred service mesh in the Amazon EKS environment. However, the customer was struggling to implement end-to-end encryption […]

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Backup and restore your Amazon EKS cluster resources using Velero

Companies worldwide are adopting containers to encapsulate their microservices, and many of them choose Kubernetes for automating deployment, scaling, and managing their containerized applications. As the number of these microservices grows, it becomes increasingly important to have a centralized backup mechanism in place to: Protect applications in case of physical and logical errors Perform migrations […]

ROSA sign in screen when enabled

Managing ROSA subscriptions at scale

One aspect of operating applications at scale is managing software in a manner that provides control as well as caters for self service and agility. As the modernization of applications and overall business processes takes place, agility requirements drive the need for teams to have access to the tools they require. How does a large-scale […]

screenshot of using search bar on top of Amazon ECR Public gallery page

Docker Official Images now available on Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public

Developers building container-based applications can now discover and download Docker Official Images directly from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Public. This new capability gives AWS customers a simple and highly available way to pull Docker Official Images, while taking advantage of the generous AWS Free Tier. Customers pulling images from Amazon ECR Public to […]

Deploy applications in AWS App Runner with GitHub Actions

Overview AWS App Runner is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs at scale and with no prior infrastructure experience required. Starting with the source code or a container image, App Runner will automatically build, scale, and secure the web application in the AWS […]

Migration to cloud icon

Migrating Amazon EKS clusters from gp2 to gp3 EBS volumes

Kubernetes (sometimes referred to as K8s) is an open-source container orchestration engine and a fast-growing project hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). K8s has a massive adoption on premises and in the cloud for running stateless and stateful containerized workloads. Stateful workloads require persistent storage. To support on-premises and cloud-provider-related infrastructure like storage […]

Build and deploy a Spring Boot application to AWS App Runner with a CI/CD pipeline using Terraform

Introduction Spring Boot is a leading open-source framework for building Java-based web applications. It is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, with minimal configuration. Its opinionated take on production-ready applications makes implementing modern best practices intuitive and easy. AWS App Runner is a fully managed container application service that makes it […]