Tag: ArgoCD
Blue/Green or Canary Amazon EKS clusters migration for stateless ArgoCD workloads
Edit: 02 JUN 2023: The sample has been updated according to the EKS Blueprint V5 Migration Edit 06 October 2023: Upgrade the blog and sample to use gitops-bridge-argocd-bootstrap integration Introduction Organizations use modern application development approaches, such as microservices, to increase innovation, performance, security, and reliability. However, when working with legacy deployment systems, it can […]
Multi-cluster management for Kubernetes with Cluster API and Argo CD
Introduction Customers are moving to cloud thanks to its scalability and cost-effectiveness. Some are adopting Kubernetes to modernize their workloads for a more agile way to iterate and deliver time-to-market services or product features to their customers. As the number of clusters to be managed increases, customers struggle with different deployment mechanisms and application programming […]
Continuous Deployment and GitOps delivery with Amazon EKS Blueprints and ArgoCD
Introduction Kubernetes platform teams want to automate their Amazon EKS environments configurations using an automated pipeline. Users also need a prescriptive way for managing and setting up GitOps-based delivery for the organization’s applications teams. Customers need the freedom and flexibility for their application teams to deploy and configure their applications, once they have been onboarded […]