
Tag: Containers

Disaster Recovery on AWS Outposts to AWS Local Zones with a GitOps approach for Amazon EKS

Users often need to host their Kubernetes workloads in specific locations, geographies, or on-premises to meet data locality or low-latency requirements. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) has a broad range of deployments options from in the cloud to on-premises on customer-managed hardware with Amazon EKS Anywhere. To extend AWS infrastructure and APIs to users on-premises, […]

Multi-Region Disaster Recovery with Amazon EKS and Amazon EFS for Stateful workloads

Introduction Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a managed storage service that can be used to provide shared access to data for Kubernetes Pods running across compute nodes in different Availability Zones (AZ) managed by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Amazon EFS supports native replication of data across AWS Regions. This feature helps in designing a multi-Region disaster […]

Adding Storage using OpenEBS on EKS Anywhere

Adding Storage using OpenEBS on EKS Anywhere

Overview Amazon EKS Anywhere (EKS Anywhere) is an opinionated and automated deployment of the Amazon EKS Distro that enables users to create and operate Kubernetes clusters on user-managed infrastructure. EKS Anywhere does not include a Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver for persistence. In this post, we setup OpenEBS to provide persistence using the disks available in […]

Unlocking AWS Fargate feature for attaching Amazon EBS Volumes to ECS Tasks

Unlocking AWS Fargate feature for attaching Amazon EBS Volumes to ECS Tasks

Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) has now enhanced its functionalities by integrating support for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume attachment to Amazon ECS tasks. This feature simplifies using Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate with Amazon EBS. Amazon ECS facilitates seamless provisioning and attachment of EBS volumes to ECS tasks on both […]

Amazon Linux 2023 AMIs

Amazon EKS-Optimized Amazon Linux 2023 AMIs Now Available

Introduction We are excited to announce general availability of Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). AL2023 is the next generation of Amazon Linux from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is designed to provide a secure, stable, high-performance environment to develop and run your cloud applications. The standard AL2023-based EKS-optimized Amazon […]

Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes version 1.29

Introduction The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) team is pleased to announce support for Kubernetes version 1.29 in Amazon EKS, Amazon EKS Distro, and Amazon EKS Anywhere (v0.19.0). The theme for this version was chosen for the beautiful art form that is Mandala—a symbol of the universe in its perfection. Hence, the fitting release […]

A deep dive into resilience and availability on Amazon Elastic Container Service

Introduction In this post, we’ll deep dive into the architecture principles we use in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). We’ll outline some of the features that Amazon ECS delivers to make it easy for your application to achieve high availability and resilience. We explore how Amazon ECS is designed to use AWS availability and […]

Explore etcd Defragmentation in Amazon EKS

Introduction Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) has gained significant popularity as a managed Kubernetes service, providing a scalable and reliable platform for running containerized applications. Behind the scenes, Amazon EKS uses etcd, a distributed key-value store, to store cluster configuration, state, and metadata. In this post, we delve into the defragmentation functionality in etcd and discuss the […]

GPU sharing on Amazon EKS with NVIDIA time-slicing and accelerated EC2 instances

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, the demand for accelerated computing is skyrocketing, particularly in areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). One of the primary challenges the enterprises face is the efficient utilization of computational resources, particularly when it comes to GPU acceleration, which is crucial for ML tasks and general AI workloads. […]

Improving operational visibility with AWS Fargate task retirement notifications

Introduction AWS Fargate, the serverless compute engine for containerized workloads, removes the undifferentiated heavy lifting of securing and patching the underlying infrastructure. In this blog post we dive into AWS Fargate task retirement, one of the ways AWS keeps the infrastructure secure and up to date. AWS has recently updated the AWS Fargate task retirement […]