
Tag: cost optimization

Cost Optimization Checklist for Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate

This post was contributed by Charu Khurana, Senior Solutions Architect, and John Formento, Solutions Architect. Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with the AWS Fargate launch type is a powerful, cloud native, container service that allows customers to create container-based workloads in a matter of minutes without managing the underlying infrastructure. Even with the serverless […]

Amazon EKS on AWS Graviton2 generally available: considerations on multi-architecture apps

Today, Amazon EKS on AWS Graviton2 is generally available and with this post we want to give you some background on what this means for you and how it works in practice. We had first-generation AWS Graviton from early 2019 on in preview and many of you participated in the AWS Graviton2 preview program launched […]

Cost optimization for Kubernetes on AWS

Since publication, we reduced the price for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) by 50% to $0.10 per hour for each Kubernetes cluster that you run.  This post was contributed by AWS Container Hero, Casey Lee, Director of Engineering for Liatrio The combination of Amazon EKS for a managed Kubernetes control plane and Amazon EC2 for […]