AWS Database Blog

Jason Hunter

Author: Jason Hunter

Scaling DynamoDB: How partitions, hot keys, and split for heat impact performance (Part 3: Summary and best practices)

In Part 1 of this series, you learned about Amazon DynamoDB data loading strategies and the behavior of DynamoDB during short runs. In Part 2, you learned about query performance and the adaptive behavior of DynamoDB during sustained activity. In this third and final post, we review what you’ve learned, plus offer a few additional […]

Scaling DynamoDB: How partitions, hot keys, and split for heat impact performance (Part 2: Querying)

In the Part 1 of this series, you learned about Amazon DynamoDB data loading strategies and the behavior of DynamoDB during short runs. In this post, you learn about query performance and the adaptive behavior of DynamoDB during sustained activity. Querying To drive traffic at arbitrarily large rates and simulate real-world behavior, we need a […]

Scaling DynamoDB: How partitions, hot keys, and split for heat impact performance (Part 1: Loading)

The general rule with Amazon DynamoDB is to choose a high cardinality partition key. But why; and what happens if you don’t? Inspired by a customer use case, we dive deep into this question and explore the performance of loading and querying DynamoDB using different partition key designs and table settings. After each experiment, we […]