AWS Database Blog

Category: Elastic Load Balancing

Access Amazon RDS across AWS accounts using AWS PrivateLink, Network Load Balancer, and Amazon RDS Proxy

Amazon RDS Proxy is a fully managed, highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora that makes applications more scalable, secure, and resilient to database failures. With RDS Proxy, you can handle unpredictable surges in database traffic that might otherwise cause issues due to using all available connections or creating new connections at a fast rate. One of the main benefits of RDS Proxy is that it can improve application recovery time while efficiently and automatically handling database failovers, which is valid with both planned and unplanned failovers. For more details, see Improving application availability with Amazon RDS Proxy. For common use cases where RDS Proxy is beneficial, refer to Amazon RDS Proxy FAQs. In this post, we show how to securely and efficiently connect applications in different AWS accounts to an RDS database instance or Aurora cluster using RDS Proxy, AWS PrivateLink, and Network Load Balancer.