AWS Database Blog

Differences to expect when migrating from Azure Cosmos DB to Amazon DynamoDB

Customers who are considering migrating their Azure Cosmos DB workloads to Amazon DynamoDB ask what differences to expect. In this post, we discuss the differences to expect and plan for when migrating from Azure Cosmos DB to DynamoDB. DynamoDB is a serverless key-value database optimized for common access patterns, typically to store and retrieve large […]

Maintain query plan stability when migrating your Oracle workload to Amazon RDS for Oracle

A common challenge faced by customers migrating their application to a new Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle environment is unexpected performance degradations caused by query plans changes. Any of the following migration factors can lead to query plan digression and in this post, we outline a strategy to proactively address these stumbling […]

Integrate Amazon RDS for Oracle with Amazon EFS

As customers migrate their Oracle databases to the Amazon Relational Database Service for Oracle, they may often benefit from a shared file system to be available on their Oracle database systems. This is either to share files between the database and application servers or to act as a staging location to keep backups, data loads, […]

Writing results from an Athena query to Amazon DynamoDB

Many industries are taking advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT) to track information from and about connected devices. One example is the energy industry, which is using smart electricity meters to collect energy consumption from customers for analytics and control purposes. Vector, a New Zealand energy company, combines its energy knowledge with Amazon Web […]

Implement active-active replication with RDS Custom for Oracle: Part 1 – High Availability

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom is a managed database service for legacy, custom, and packaged applications that require access to the underlying OS and DB environment. With RDS Custom for Oracle, you can now access and customize your database server host and operating system, for example by applying special patches and changing the […]

Implement active-active replication with RDS Custom for Oracle: Part 2 – High Availability & Disaster Recovery

In this post, we advance the architecture that was discussed in Implement active-active replication with RDS Custom for Oracle: Part 1 – High Availability, where we implemented an Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle solution with multi-master and high availability. This post will show you how to add high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) using Oracle […]

Use guardrails to protect DynamoDB tables

Access control to AWS services and resources should be governed by the security principles of zero trust and least-privilege. Zero trust requires that users are strongly authenticated and fine-grained authorization is enforced before gaining access to resources. Least-privilege is a principle of granting only the permissions required to complete a task. Least-privilege is also an AWS Well-Architected best […]

Amazon DynamoDB re:Invent 2022 recap

Learn how customers like Intuit, Trustpilot, Hulu, Fidelity and Reltio are building serverless, event-driven, and scalable applications on DynamoDB. For the Amazon DynamoDB team, the 2022 AWS re:Invent was once again an incredible experience to connect and reconnect with our customers. Throughout the week, we interacted with dozens of customers to learn what is top-of-mind for […]

Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) re:Invent 2022 recap

The Amazon Keyspaces team had a great time meeting with many of you at AWS re:Invent 2022. It was particularly exciting to experience re:Invent at its peak in-person attendance. The team enjoyed listening to your feedback and use cases, and understanding what you want us to build next. We work backwards from these conversations and feedback […]

VPC endpoint considerations for upgrading or creating AWS DMS version 3.4.7 or higher

AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 3.4.7 and above includes support for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) VPC endpoints and makes it easier to maintain end-to-end network configuration within the same AWS region for replication tasks. To learn more about VPC endpoints, refer to Connect your VPC to services using AWS PrivateLink. In […]