AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Argument Completion Support in AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

Version of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell now includes support for tab completion of parameters that map to enumeration types in service APIs. Let’s look at how these types are implemented in the underlying AWS SDK for .NET and then see how this new support helps you at the Windows PowerShell command line […]

AWS SDK for .NET Status Update for .NET Core Support

The AWS SDK for .NET has included support for the .NET Core platform in our NuGet 3.2 beta packages since last September. With our recent push of version 3.2.6-beta to NuGet, we’ve switched from netstandard 1.5 to 1.3 to increase the SDK’s compatibility with other libraries. This version also includes many of the high-level abstractions […]

Updates to Credential and Region Handling

Version of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell and AWS SDK for .NET (AWSSDK.Core version,  released today, contain enhancements to the way credentials and region data can be supplied to your SDK applications and PowerShell scripts, including the ability to use SAML federated credentials in your SDK applications. We’ve also refactored support for […]

AWS SDK for .NET Version 2 Status

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET has been generally available since 7/28/2015. Although the legacy version (v2) of the SDK will continue to work, we strongly recommend that all customers migrate to the latest version 3 to take advantage of various improvements including modularized architecture, portable class library support, and .NET Core support. […]

Retrieving Request Metrics from the AWS SDK for .NET

In an earlier post, we discussed how you can turn on AWS SDK for .NET logging and how to log the SDK request metrics in JSON. In this post, we will discuss how you can use log4net or System.Diagnostics logging to gain access to the real RequestMetrics objects and work with raw metrics. This approach […]

Exploring ASP.NET Core Part 2: Continuous Delivery

The first post in this series discussed how to use an Amazon EC2 instance and AWS CodeDeploy to deploy ASP.NET Core applications from GitHub. The setup assumed all git pushes to GitHub were deployed to the running environment without validation. In this post, let’s examine how we can create an AWS environment for our ASP.NET […]

Exploring ASP.NET Core Part 1: Deploying from GitHub

ASP.NET Core, formally ASP.NET 5, is a platform that offers lots of possibilities for deploying .NET applications. This series of posts will explore options for deploying ASP.NET applications on AWS. What Is ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core is the new open-source, cross-platform, and modularized implementation of ASP.NET. It is currently under development, so expect future posts […]

Contributing to the AWS SDK for .NET

The AWS SDK for .NET is an open source project available on GitHub. This post is to help community developers navigate the SDK code base with an eye toward contributing features and fixes to the SDK. Code Generation The first gotcha for contributors is that major portions of the code are generated from models of […]

DynamoDB Document Model Manual Pagination

In version of the DynamoDB .NET SDK package, we added pagination support to the Document Model. This feature allows you to use a pagination token returned by the API to paginate a set of Query or Scan results across sessions. Until now, it was not possible to resume pagination of Query or Scan results […]