AWS Developer Tools Blog

Using Resources

With the recent 2.0 stable release of the aws-sdk-core gem, we started publishing preview releases of aws-sdk-resources. Until the preview status is released, you will need to use the –pre flag to install this gem: gem install aws-sdk-resources –pre In bundler, you should give the full version: # update the version as needed gem ‘aws-sdk-resources’, […]

AWS Toolkit support for Visual Studio Community 2013

We often hear from our customers that they would like our AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio to work with the Express editions of Visual Studio. We understand how desirable this is, but due to restrictions built into the Express editions of Visual Studio, it hasn’t been possible…until now. With the recent announcement of the new […]

Amazon S3 Encryption with AWS Key Management Service

With version 1.9.5 of the AWS SDK for Java, we are excited to announce the full support of S3 object encryption using AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Why KMS, you may ask? In a nutshell, AWS Key Management Service provides many security and administrative benefits, including centralized key management, better security in protecting your master […]

Announcing the AWS CloudTrail Processing Library

We’re excited to announce a new extension to the AWS SDK for Java: The AWS CloudTrail Processing Library. AWS CloudTrail delivers log files containing AWS API activity to a customer’s Amazon S3 bucket. The AWS CloudTrail Processing Library makes it easy to build applications that read and process those CloudTrail logs and incorporate their own […]

Welcome to the AWS CLI Blog

Hi everyone! Welcome to the AWS Command Line Interface blog. I’m James Saryerwinnie, and I work on the AWS CLI. This blog will be the place to go for information about the AWS CLI including: Tips and tricks for using the AWS CLI New feature announcements Deep dives into various AWS CLI features Guest posts […]

Introducing the AWS SDK for JavaScript Blog

Introducing the AWS SDK for JavaScript Blog Today we’re announcing a new blog for the AWS SDK for JavaScript. On this blog, we will be sharing the latest tips, tricks, and best practices when using the SDK. We will also keep you up to date on new developments in the SDK and share information on […]

Stripe Windows Ephemeral Disks at Launch

Today we have another guest post by AWS Solutions Architect David Veith. Amazon EC2 currently offers more than 20 current-generation instance types for your Windows operating system workloads. The root volume for Windows instances will always be a volume provided by the Amazon EBS service. Additional EBS drives can easily be added as desired. Depending […]

AWS SDK for Java Maven Modules

We’re excited to announce that with version 1.9.0 of the AWS SDK for Java, we’ve switched to a modular Maven project structure. You can now selectively pick up which components of the SDK you want. For example, if your project uses only Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB, you can configure the dependencies in your project’s […]

Utilizing Amazon ElastiCache Auto Discovery in .NET Through Enyim

Today, we released a new library, Amazon ElastiCache Cluster Configuration, that allows .NET applications to easily leverage ElastiCache features. This post explains why a programmer would want to use this library and offers a quick and easy way to try it yourself. What is Memcached? Memcached provides a way to easily avoid some of the […]

Client-side Encryption for Amazon DynamoDB

We are thrilled to introduce one of the latest AWS Labs projects for enabling client-side encryption for Amazon DynamoDB in Java. This library is designed to support encryption and signing of your data when stored in Amazon DynamoDB. A typical use of this library is when you are using DynamoDBMapper, where transparent encryption and signing […]