AWS Developer Tools Blog

Saving Money with Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances

Are you or your company using Amazon EC2 instances? Are you using Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances yet? Reserved Instances are often one of the easiest and most effective ways to save money on your Amazon EC2 bill. They can allow you to significantly reduce the price you pay for Amazon EC2 instance hours over a […]

.NET Application Deployment Roundup

.NET Application Deployment Roundup In this post, we talk about several customer questions that have come up in the AWS Forums. Deploying MVC4 applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deploying MVC4 applications to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment is just as easy as deploying other types of .NET web applications, and does not require pre-installing any […]

Snippet: Creating Amazon DynamoDB Tables

In many applications, it’s important to make sure your code handles creating any resources that it needs in order to run. Otherwise, you’ll have to manually create those resources whenever you want to run your application with a new AWS account. For example, if you have an application that needs to store data in an […]

VPC and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

We recently released a new version of our AWS Elastic Beanstalk .NET container which, like the other Beanstalk containers, is based on AWS CloudFormation and lets you take advantage of all the latest features that have been added to Beanstalk. One of the exciting new features is the ability to deploy into Amazon VPC. The […]

Working with Regions in the AWS SDK for .NET

In earlier versions of the AWS SDK for .NET, using services in regions other than us-east-1 required you to create a config object for the client set the ServiceURL property on the config construct a client using the config object Here’s an example of what that looks like for Amazon DynamoDB: var config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig { […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.5

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.5 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for using the Redis cache engine software with Amazon ElastiCache. Changelog Amazon ElastiCache now offers the Redis cache engine software, in addition to Memcached. Customers who currently use Redis can optionally “seed” a new ElastiCache […]

AWS Service Provider for Laravel 1.1.0

We would like to announce the availability of version 1.1.0 of the AWS Service Provider for Laravel. This release updates the config handling logic of the service provider and provides a package-level configuration that can be published to your Laravel application via Artisan for easy customization. Are there any other features you would like to […]


A few months ago we added a helper utility to the SDK called EC2Metadata. This is a class that provides convenient access to EC2 Instance Metada. The utility surfaces most instance data as static strings and some complex data as .NET structures. For instance, the following code sample illustrates how you can retrieve the current […]

Uploading to Amazon S3 with HTTP POST using the AWS SDK for .NET

Generally speaking, access to your Amazon S3 resources requires your AWS credentials, though there are situations where you would like to grant certain forms of limited access to other users. For example, to allow users temporary access to download a non-public object, you can generate a pre-signed URL. Another common situation is where you want […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.4

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.4 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release updates the Amazon EC2 client to use the 2013-07-15 API version and fixes issues reported on the forums and GitHub. Changelog Added support for assigning a public IP address to a VPC instance at launch to the […]