AWS Developer Tools Blog

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby from Your REPL

We are all used to spinning up irb or Pry sessions to play with Ruby’s features interactively. Some people reading this might even be using the rails console on a daily basis, which can make digging through Ruby on Rails applications much easier. Well, we’re actually working on bringing that same functionality into the AWS […]

Rate-Limited Scans in Amazon DynamoDB

Today we’re lucky to have another guest post by David Yanacek from the Amazon DynamoDB team. David is sharing his deep knowledge on Amazon DynamoDB to help explain how to manage performance and throughput usage on your DynamoDB tables. When you scan your table in Amazon DynamoDB, you should follow the DynamoDB best practices for […]

Working with Multiple Regions

In a previous blog post, I introduced the new :region configuration option for the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem). Beyond simplified configuration, the Ruby SDK provides additional helpers for working with multiple regions. There are two new helper classes for working with regions, AWS::Core::Region and AWS::Core::RegionCollection. The AWS module provides helper methods so that […]

Working with Regions

The AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem) has some cool new features that simplify working with regions. The Ruby SDK defaults to the us-east-1 region for all services. Until recently, you had to specify the full regional endpoint for each service you connect to outside the default region. If you use multiple services outside us-east-1, […]

Writing less code when using the AWS SDK for Java

Today we have a guest post by David Yanacek from the Amazon DynamoDB team. The AWS SDK for Java provides a convenient set of methods for building request objects. This set of methods, known as a fluent interface, can save you from repeatedly retyping the request variable name, and can even make your code more […]

Logging with the AWS SDK for .NET

As we announced previously, the AWS SDK for .NET now supports easily-configurable logging to both log4net and .NET’s built-in System.Diagnostics logging. In this post, we cover how to enable and configure this new functionality, and how you can easily collect performance metrics for the SDK. Both log4net and System.Diagnostics logging approaches have their own advantages […]

Welcome to the AWS SDKs and Tools .NET blog

Welcome to the AWS SDKs and Tools .NET blog. We’re glad to see you here! This blog features information for AWS .NET developers, including: Demonstrations of new features in the AWS SDK for .NET Announcements and demonstrations of new features in the AWS Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Studio and AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell Best […]

Transferring Files To and From Amazon S3

A common question that I’ve seen on our PHP forums is whether there is an easy way to directly upload from or download to a local file using the Amazon S3 client in the AWS SDK for PHP. The typical usage of the PutObject operation in the PHP SDK looks like the following: use AwsCommonAws; […]

New Blog for the AWS SDK for PHP

Hello fellow PHP developers! Welcome to our new blog for the AWS SDK for PHP. I’m Jeremy Lindblom, and I work with Michael Dowling on the AWS SDK for PHP here at Amazon Web Services. We will be working together on this blog to bring you articles and tips about the PHP SDK and post […]