AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET

Archiving and Backing-up Data with the AWS SDK for .NET

Jason Fulghum recently posted a blog entry about using Glacier with the AWS SDK for Java that I thought would be interesting for .NET developers. Here is Jason’s post with the code replaced with the C# equivalent. Do you or your company have important data that you need to archive? Have you explored Amazon Glacier […]

DynamoDB APIs

Amazon DynamoDB is a fast NoSQL database service offered by AWS. DynamoDB can be invoked from .NET applications by using the AWS SDK for .NET. The SDK provides three different models for communicating with DynamoDB. This blog post is the first of a series that describes the various APIs, their respective tradeoffs, best practices, and […]

Release of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET

Today, we updated our version 2 preview of the AWS SDK for .NET. You can download version of the SDK here. This preview contains the following updates. The SDK now requires the region to be explicitly specified through the client constructor or by using the AWSRegion setting in the application’s app or web config […]

Using Elastic IP Addresses

Elastic IP addresses are great for keeping a consistent public IP address. They can also be transferred to other EC2 instances, which is useful if you need to replace an instance but don’t want your public IP address to change. The Amazon EC2 User Guide has information on IP addresses for EC2 instances that can […]

Drag and Drop in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

Using drag and drop can be a great time saver when using your favorite tool, but it is not always obvious what drag and drop features are available. The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio has many drag and drop features that you might not have discovered yet. AWS Explorer to the Code Window When dragging […]

Getting Ready for AWS re:Invent 2013

AWS re:Invent is coming up again this November 12-15 in Las Vegas. Last year, Steve Roberts and I had a great time meeting with developers and discussing how they use AWS. We also gave a talk about deploying your apps from Visual Studio. To watch the screencast, see Deploying to the AWS Cloud with Visual […]

AWS Regions and Windows PowerShell

The majority of the cmdlets in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell require that you specify an AWS region. Specifying a region defines the service endpoint that is used for the request, in addition to scoping the resources you want to operate on. There are, however, a couple of exceptions to this rule: Some services […]

Handling Credentials with AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

The cmdlets provided in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell provide three ways to express credential information. Some approaches are more secure than others. Let’s take a look. Using Credential Parameters All cmdlets in the toolset accept -AccessKey, -SecretKey and -SessionToken parameters (-SessionToken is used when the access key and security key are part of […]

Using Non-.NET Languages for Windows Store Apps

In Version 2 of our AWS SDK for .NET, we added support for Windows Store apps by creating a .NET Windows Store app class library. This approach works great if you are writing your Windows Store app in a .NET language like C# or VB. It means most code written for the AWS SDK for […]

.NET Application Deployment Roundup

.NET Application Deployment Roundup In this post, we talk about several customer questions that have come up in the AWS Forums. Deploying MVC4 applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deploying MVC4 applications to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment is just as easy as deploying other types of .NET web applications, and does not require pre-installing any […]