AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET

VPC and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

We recently released a new version of our AWS Elastic Beanstalk .NET container which, like the other Beanstalk containers, is based on AWS CloudFormation and lets you take advantage of all the latest features that have been added to Beanstalk. One of the exciting new features is the ability to deploy into Amazon VPC. The […]

Working with Regions in the AWS SDK for .NET

In earlier versions of the AWS SDK for .NET, using services in regions other than us-east-1 required you to create a config object for the client set the ServiceURL property on the config construct a client using the config object Here’s an example of what that looks like for Amazon DynamoDB: var config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig { […]


A few months ago we added a helper utility to the SDK called EC2Metadata. This is a class that provides convenient access to EC2 Instance Metada. The utility surfaces most instance data as static strings and some complex data as .NET structures. For instance, the following code sample illustrates how you can retrieve the current […]

Uploading to Amazon S3 with HTTP POST using the AWS SDK for .NET

Generally speaking, access to your Amazon S3 resources requires your AWS credentials, though there are situations where you would like to grant certain forms of limited access to other users. For example, to allow users temporary access to download a non-public object, you can generate a pre-signed URL. Another common situation is where you want […]

Scripting your EC2 Windows fleet using Windows PowerShell and Windows Remote Management

Today we have a guest post by one of our AWS Solutions Architects, James Saull, discussing how to take advantage of Windows PowerShell and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) to script your Windows fleet. One of the advantages of using AWS is on-demand access to an elastic fleet of machines—continuously adjusting in response to demand and […]

Release of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET

We have just released a new version of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET. You can download version of the SDK here. This release adds support for Amazon SNS mobile push notifications and fixes an issue with uploading large objects to Amazon S3 using the .NET 4.5 Framework version of the SDK. Please let […]

Using Amazon CloudFront with ASP.NET Apps

Today, I’m going to talk about using Amazon CloudFront to boost the performance of ASP.NET web apps that are deployed to Amazon Web Services. CloudFront is a content delivery service that can cache content in edge locations across the world to give users low-latency access to static content and relieve some of the pressure from […]

Web Identity Federation using the AWS SDK for .NET

Today’s post is about web identity federation. AWS Security Token Service (STS) has introduced this new feature, which allows customers to give constrained, time-limited access of their AWS resources to users who identify themselves via popular third-party identity providers (IdPs). AWS currently supports Amazon, Facebook, and Google as IdPs whose tokens can be used to […]

AWS SDK for .NET Version 2.0 Preview

Today, we are excited to announce a preview of our upcoming version 2 of the AWS SDK for .NET, which you can download here. One of the most exciting new features of version 2 is the ability to have Windows Store and Windows Phone 8 Apps use our SDK. Like other SDKs for these new […]

AWS.Extensions renaming

Earlier this week, you may have noticed that the assembly AWS.Extensions—which contained DynamoDBSessionStateStore—has been renamed to AWS.SessionProvider. Our original intent with AWS.Extensions was to create a place for SDK extensions, which aren’t strictly part of the AWS SDK for .NET. We have since developed another extension, DynamoDBTraceListener, a TraceListener that allows the logging of trace […]