AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET

Improvements for AWS CloudFormation and Amazon CloudWatch in the AWS Tools for PowerShell Modules

Trevor Sullivan, a Systems Development Engineer here at Amazon, recently contributed some new AWS CloudFormation helper cmdlets and improved formatting for types he works with on a daily basis. These updates were released in version of the AWS Tools for PowerShell modules (AWSPowerShell and AWSPowerShell.NetCore), in addition to new support in Amazon CloudWatch metrics […]

General Availability of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2017

We’re pleased to announce that the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio is now generally available (GA) for Visual Studio 2017. You can install it from the Visual Studio Gallery. The GA version is Unlike with previous versions of the toolkit, we are using the Visual Studio Gallery to distribute new versions that target Visual Studio […]

Updates to AWSPowerShell Cmdlet Names

Since we launched the first AWS module for PowerShell five years ago, we’ve been hugely encouraged by the feedback from the user community, from first-time PowerShell users to PowerShell MVPs. In that time, we’ve acted immediately on some feedback, and put more complex changes into our backlog for future consideration. One common request from experienced […]

Security update to AWS SDK for .NET’s Amazon CloudFront Cookie Signer

The AWS SDK for .NET has a utility class, Amazon.CloudFront.AmazonCloudFrontCookieSigner, for creating signed cookies to access private content served using Amazon CloudFront. This blog contains details on usage of this utility class along with sample code. Specifying AmazonCloudFrontCookieSigner.Protocols.Https as the protocol parameter creates a cookie with incorrect policy; the policy contains a resource restriction of […]

Using AWS CodeCommit with Visual Studio Team Explorer

We recently announced support for new features in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio that make working with AWS CodeCommit repositories easy and convenient from within Visual Studio Team Explorer. In this post, we take a look at getting started with setting up credentials, and then how to create and clone repositories from within Team […]

Updates for .NET Core Lambda Libraries

With our release of .NET Core support in AWS Lambda, we also released many NuGet packages to help you develop Lambda functions. We’ve been constantly updating them on our GitHub repository as well. Let’s look at some of the recent updates. Amazon.Lambda.Tools This package contains the integration with the .NET Core CLI, which you can […]

Creating .NET Core AWS Lambda Projects without Visual Studio

In the last post, we talked about AWS Lambda deployment integration with the dotnet CLI, using the Amazon.Lambda.Tools NuGet package to deploy Lambda functions and serverless applications. But what if you want to create an AWS Lambda project outside of Visual Studio? This is especially important if you’re working on platforms other than Windows. The […]

Deploying .NET Core AWS Lambda Functions from the Command Line

In previous posts about our .NET Core support with AWS Lambda, we’ve shown how you can create Lambda functions and serverless applications with Visual Studio. But one of the most exciting things about .NET Core is its cross-platform support with the new command line interface (CLI) named dotnet. To help you develop Lambda functions outside […]

Time-to-Live Support in Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB recently added Time-to-Live (TTL) support, a way to automatically delete expired items from your DynamoDB table. This blog post discusses this feature, how it’s exposed in the AWS SDK for .NET, and how you can take advantage of it. Using Time-to-Live At a high-level, you configure TTL by choosing a particular attribute on […]