AWS DevOps Blog

Tag: Automation

IT Governance in a Dynamic DevOps Environment

IT Governance in a Dynamic DevOps Environment Governance involves the alignment of security and operations with productivity to ensure a company achieves its business goals. Customers who are migrating to the cloud might be in various stages of implementing governance. Each stage poses its own challenges. In this blog post, the first in a series, […]

Building a Microsoft BackOffice Server Solution on AWS with AWS CloudFormation

Last month, AWS released the AWS Enterprise Accelerator: Microsoft Servers on the AWS Cloud along with a deployment guide and CloudFormation template. This blog post will explain how to deploy complex Windows workloads and how AWS CloudFormation solves the problems related to server dependencies. This AWS Enterprise Accelerator solution deploys the four most requested Microsoft […]

Using Capistrano to run arbitrary commands on AWS OpsWorks instances

AWS OpsWorks customers frequently request the ability to run arbitrary commands. And while OpsWorks sets up and manages the Amazon EC2 instances your application runs on and manages users’ access to your instances, it doesn’t allow running arbitrary commands. Let’s say, for example, that you wanted to run uptime across your fleet. You could create […]