AWS for Games Blog

New, more compact, Lumberyard install

As J.C. mentioned in his Lumberyard Blog post last week, we have been enthusiastically reading your feedback. One of the top requests we’ve heard is for a smaller, more manageable download. Today we are releasing an updated and more compact Lumberyard release. You can download it here. We have trimmed away some fat, and removed a couple of things that are only needed in rare circumstances. The result is a new, more compact release weighing in at 5.7 GB. The full release is still available on our previous version’s download page here. If you want to rebuild our code generation tool, AzCodeGenerator, you will need the full release, which includes a modified version of the Clang. In future releases we will make it possible to get the code and binaries needed to rebuild AZCodeGenerator independently. In the meantime, those of you who have been having trouble fetching the original release may find the new package easier to download. If you are one of those customers who could not get Lumberyard, please try this and let us know how it works for you. We are also working on a more robust solution with a small initial download. In the meantime, we wanted to get something into your hands as quickly as possible.

As always, there is more to come. Please keep the feedback coming! We are listening.