Tag: AWS Batch

Streamlining distributed ML workflow orchestration using Covalent with AWS Batch

Streamlining distributed ML workflow orchestration using Covalent with AWS Batch

Complicated multi-step workflows can be challenging to deploy, especially when using a variety of high-compute resources. Covalent is an open-source orchestration tool that streamlines the deployment of distributed workloads on AWS resources. In this post, we outline key concepts in Covalent and develop a machine learning workflow for AWS Batch in just a handful of steps.

BioContainers are now available in Amazon ECR Public Gallery

Today we are excited to announce that all 9000+ applications provided by the BioContainers community are available within ECR Public Gallery! You don’t need an AWS account to access these images, but having one allows many more pulls to the internet, and unmetered usage within AWS. If you perform any sort of bioinformatics analysis on AWS, you should check it out!

Analyzing Genomic Data using Amazon Genomics CLI and Amazon SageMaker

In this blog post, we demonstrate how to leverage the AWS Genomics Command line and Amazon SageMaker to analyze large-scale exome sequences and derive meaningful insights. We use the bioinformatics workflow manager Nextflow, it’s open source library of pipelines, NF-Core, and AWS Batch.