Tag: HPC

Building deep-learning models for geoscience with MATLAB and NVIDIA GPUs

Building deep learning models for geoscience using MATLAB and NVIDIA GPUs on Amazon EC2 (Part 1 of 2)

In this blog post, we discuss how geoscientists can use shallow RNN-based algorithms with MATLAB to automatically recognize distinct geologic features in seismic images. We discuss the workflow for developing the AI models using MATLAB for seismic interpretation.  In a second post will introduce the various compute resources leveraged from AWS and NVIDIA for developing the models.

BioContainers are now available in Amazon ECR Public Gallery

Today we are excited to announce that all 9000+ applications provided by the BioContainers community are available within ECR Public Gallery! You don’t need an AWS account to access these images, but having one allows many more pulls to the internet, and unmetered usage within AWS. If you perform any sort of bioinformatics analysis on AWS, you should check it out!