AWS for Industries

Tag: elastic load balancing


Unlocking sustainable power using Stem’s AI-driven clean energy platform on AWS

In response to the mounting impacts of climate-driven extreme weather, and continued global and regional mandates, industries and businesses worldwide are increasingly investing in sustainability, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), as well as Net-Zero strategies. This includes setting goals to reduce businesses’ carbon emissions by 2030 and accelerating investments in the adoption of clean energy […]

How Gopal Namkeen modernized its order-processing system to improve dealer experience

Gopal Namkeen is one of the oldest and leading Indian brands, supplying namkeen and snacks in national and international markets. Gopal Namkeen was founded in 1994 and is headquartered at Rajkot, in the state of Gujarat, India. Business challenge Gopal Namkeen has over 500 dealers, creating more than 12,000 SKU orders on a peak day. […]