AWS for Industries

Tag: #healthcare

Delivering Consumer-friendly Healthcare Transparency in Coverage On AWS

Delivering Consumer-friendly Healthcare Transparency in Coverage On AWS

Consumers play a crucial role in healthcare cost management, but they must have relevant information in order to produce the market forces needed to achieve reduced healthcare prices. The Transparency in Coverage (TCR) rule requires health insurers (payors) and hospitals disclose their pricing agreements. This empowers consumers to shop and compare costs between specific providers before receiving […]

The value of a system of record for healthcare payors

The value of a system of record for healthcare payors

Leaders in the healthcare industry are increasingly recognizing how a data-driven approach can help them improve member satisfaction. Many of them have begun their transformative journey to adopt a member-first approach and unify disparate data silos. They recognize that the journey toward a unified system is strategic and will pay enormous dividends when completed. However, […]

Healthcare Providers Can Improve Patient Experience with Location Data

Healthcare Providers Can Improve Patient Experience with Location Data

Healthcare providers are challenged every day with providing customer care that meets each individual need. With location data, healthcare providers can help to accelerate patient care in multiple parts of their organization. Providers can use location data to enrich and standardize their database to ensure it contains accurate location information to help improve interoperability between […]

Executive Conversations: Realizing the Potential of Cloud Technology in Healthcare

Executive Conversations: Realizing the Potential of Cloud Technology in Healthcare

Vignesh Shetty, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Edison AI & Platform at GE Healthcare, joins Taha Kass-Hout, MD, MS Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Amazon Web Services (AWS), to discuss strategies for building a modern data strategy to fuel innovation and improve patient care. GE Healthcare provides medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, […]

Enable Secure and Efficient Clinical Collaboration With Amazon S3 Access Points

Enable Secure and Efficient Clinical Collaboration With Amazon S3 Access Points

Securely sharing clinical research data with collaborators and efficiently managing data access is a recurring challenge that clinical research teams face. Amazon S3 Access Points enable clinical researchers and healthcare IT teams to efficiently create, share, and maintain scalable access to clinical data in a shared Amazon S3 bucket at the individual user level. Introduction […]

Executive Conversations: Future-proofing population genomics initiatives through federation

Executive Conversations: Future-proofing population genomics initiatives through federation with Thorben Seeger of Lifebit

Population genomics initiatives amass a multitude of clinical, omics, and phenotypic data from diverse participants. This data is critical to a range of healthcare use cases, including biomarker discovery, drug repurposing, patient stratification, and precision medicine. However, strict data security and regulatory frameworks often make large-scale data migration unfeasible, creating a fragmented data landscape that […]

Scalable Medical Computer Vision Model Training with Amazon SageMaker Part 2

Scalable Medical Computer Vision Model Training with Amazon SageMaker Part 2

Introduction Training medical computer vision (CV) models requires a scalable compute and storage infrastructure. Training a medical CV model is unique compared to training a CV model in other domains, as we described in the first part of this blog series. In this second post, we show you how we scale a medical semantic segmentation training […]

Scalable Medical Computer Vision Model Training with Amazon SageMaker Part 1

Scalable Medical Computer Vision Model Training with Amazon SageMaker Part 1

Introduction Computer vision (CV) and machine learning (ML) has been playing an increasingly import role in the field of medical imaging and radiology in the past decade. CV is the field that uses computers and programs to replicate human vision abilities such as recognition, classification, detection and measurement. Thanks to the advancement of deep learning […]

Get ready for re:MARS: The Healthcare and Life Sciences guide to re:MARS 2022

Get ready for re:MARS: The Healthcare and Life Sciences guide to re:MARS 2022

re:MARS is back! This year, re:MARS is happening in person from Las Vegas, NV from June 21-24, delivering cutting edge talks, demos, workshops, and networking opportunities, as well as a rich on-demand option for virtual attendees. The event is offering 100+ sessions spanning Machine Learning, Automation, Robotics, and Space tracks, with six of them focused […]

Keynote Insights from Industry Innovators: Healthcare & Life Sciences 2022

Keynote Insights from Industry Innovators: Healthcare & Life Sciences 2022

Patients, caregivers, and providers all want better treatments, more equitable access to care, and ultimately healthier communities. Achieving these goals requires changing how we approach health and making it more personal by integrating genomics into therapeutic development, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to guide and improve clinical workflows, and even incorporating social […]