AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Updated requirements for US toll-free phone numbers

Many Amazon Pinpoint customers use toll-free phone numbers to send messages to their customers in the United States. A toll-free number is a 10-digit number that begins with one of the following three-digit codes: 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, or 833. You can use toll-free numbers to send both SMS and voice messages to recipients in the US.

What’s changing

Historically, US toll-free numbers have been available to purchase with no registration required. To prevent spam and other types of abuse, the United States mobile carriers now require new toll-free numbers to be registered as well. The carriers also require all existing toll-free numbers to be registered by September 30, 2022. The carriers will block SMS messages sent from unregistered toll-free numbers after this date.

If you currently use toll-free numbers to send SMS messages, you must complete this registration process for both new and existing toll-free numbers. We’re committed to helping you comply with these changing carrier requirements.

Information you provide as part of this registration process will be provided to the US carriers through our downstream partners. It can take up to 15 business days for your registration to be processed. To help prevent disruptions of service with your toll-free number, you should submit your registration no later than September 12th, 2022.

Requesting new toll-free numbers

Starting today, when you request a United States toll-free number in the Amazon Pinpoint console, you’ll see a new page that you can use to register your use case. Your toll-free number registration must be completed and verified before you can use it to send SMS messages. For more information about completing this registration process, see US toll-free number registration requirements and process in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

Registering existing toll-free numbers

You can also use the Amazon Pinpoint console to register toll-free numbers that you already have in your account. For more information about completing the registration process for existing toll-free numbers, see US toll-free number registration requirements and process in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

In closing

Change is a constant factor in the SMS and voice messaging industry. Carriers often introduce new processes in order to protect their customers. The new registration requirements for toll-free numbers are a good example of these kinds of changes. We’ll work with you to help make sure that these changes have minimal impact on your business. If you have any concerns about these changing requirements, open a ticket in the AWS Support Center.