Front-End Web & Mobile

How to set up Parse Server on AWS using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Facebook recently announced that they are shutting down Parse and that users have one year to migrate their apps to alternative infrastructures. We are working closely with Parse to provide a migration path.  AWS offers a variety of features for building and running mobile apps, including user identity, push notifications, storage, content delivery, app testing […]

AWS SDK for Unity Is Now Part of AWS SDK for .NET

In May 2015, we announced the general availability of the AWS SDK for Unity. Since then we have added support for many AWS services, including Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), AWS Lambda, and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). We have also been incorporating feedback we have received along the way. The AWS SDK […]

Get started with the AWS Device Farm CLI and Calabash Part 1: Creating a Device Farm Run for Android Calabash Test Scripts

AWS Device Farm is an app testing service that enables you to test your native, hybrid, and web apps on real Android and iOS devices that are hosted in the AWS Cloud. A test report containing high-level results, low-level logs, pixel-to-pixel screenshots, and performance data is updated as tests are completed. Device Farm allows you […]

Videos are now available for Mobile and IoT sessions!

For those of you who were able to attend AWS re:Invent 2015 or watched our live stream, thanks for participating in the conference. We hope you enjoyed the sessions and conversions. If you missed a session in your schedule, don’t fret! We have added a large portion of re:Invent content to YouTube, and you can find videos […]

Getting started with Android testing on AWS Device Farm using Espresso – Part 3: Uploading your Android application to AWS Device Farm

AWS Device Farm is a service that allows you to test your Android, Fire OS, and iOS apps on real devices (not emulators or simulators) in the AWS Cloud. You can upload your apps to the cloud and run Fuzz tests to simulate random activity or leverage the built-in app explorer, which crawls your app and captures screenshots […]

Getting started with Android testing on AWS Device Farm using Espresso – Part 2: Setting up Espresso and taking screenshots

AWS Device Farm is a service that allows you to test your Android, Fire OS, and iOS apps on real devices (not emulators or simulators) in the AWS Cloud. You can upload your apps to the cloud and run Fuzz tests to simulate random activity or leverage the built-in app explorer, which crawls your app and captures screenshots […]