Front-End Web & Mobile


Building a Secure GraphQL API with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

Building a Secure GraphQL API with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

Client-side web development with frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue have become incredibly popular. At the same time, GraphQL has emerged as an alternative to REST for building robust, efficient APIs. However, using GraphQL APIs from client-side code comes with unique challenges compared to REST. One major roadblock is handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) when […]

Resolve Single Page Application integration issues with legacy API’s that do not support CORS using AWS

Many modern cloud native web application architectures include Single Page Applications (SPA’s) integrating with multiple backend API’s. As customers start defining their transitional architectures for modernizing their monolithic web applications and migrating to cloud, one of the common issues that they run into is integrating their modern frontend layer with legacy backend API’s that are […]