AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS Service Catalog

Standardizing infrastructure delivery in distributed environments using AWS Service Catalog

A common security design pattern and best practice among many of our enterprise customers is to provide application isolation through the adoption of a multi-account strategy. Many customers choose to create individual AWS accounts based on software development lifecycle (SDLC) phases such as Development (Dev), Quality Assurance (QA), and Production (Prod), to provide complete separation […]

Enable self-service, secured data science using Amazon SageMaker notebooks and AWS Service Catalog

by Sanjay Garje and Vebhhav (Veb) Singh Enterprises of all sizes are moving to the AWS Cloud. We hear from leadership of those enterprise teams that they are looking to provide a safe, cost-governed way to provide easy access to Amazon SageMaker to promote experimentation with data science to unlock new business opportunities and disrupt […]

Automate account creation, and resource provisioning using AWS Service Catalog, AWS Organizations, and AWS Lambda

As an organization expands its use of AWS services, there is often a conversation about the need to create multiple AWS accounts to ensure separation of business processes or for security, compliance, and billing. Many of the customers we work with use separate AWS accounts for each business unit so they can meet the different […]

How to update AWS Service Catalog provisioned products to new product versions and report changes using AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Athena

AWS Service Catalog enables organizations to centrally manage commonly-deployed AWS services and provisioned software products. It also helps you achieve consistent governance and compliance requirements, while it empowers users to self-serve and quickly deploy the approved AWS services they need. Customers that I talk to want to have a mechanism to keep previously provisioned products […]

workflow diagram ServiceNow AWS Service Catalog

Create an approval workflow for AWS Service Catalog in ServiceNow

The AWS Service Catalog connector for ServiceNow allows AWS enterprise customers to securely provision compliant workloads using ServiceNow on AWS. A lot of customers ask me how to create an approval workflow in ServiceNow for deploying AWS products. For example, such a workflow might be needed if a data scientist wants to launch an Amazon EMR […]

Building a portfolio of self-service databases with AWS Service Catalog and AWS CloudFormation

Modern distributed applications are moving towards a “purpose-built” database strategy. This means that the selection of database type, size, and configuration should match the problem the database is trying to solve. AWS customers are also requiring that these databases have the appropriate level of security control and organizational governance to operate in customer environments. AWS […]

Create a security partition for your applications using AWS Service Catalog and AWS Lambda

Some of the customers I work with want to create complete application separation for each application. They don’t want any two applications running on AWS to communicate using APIs or to network with each other’s AWS resources. In other words, they want each application to “stay in its own lane” as competitive swimmers do. In […]

Secure Serverless Development Using AWS Service Catalog

Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications and services without having to manage servers. AWS Service Catalog allows you to create and manage catalogs of services that are approved for use on AWS. Combining Serverless and Service Catalog together is a great way to safely allow developers to create products and services in […]

How to set up a multi-region, multi-account catalog of company standard AWS Service Catalog products

[Update on 9/30/2020] Note:  – Please follow Simplify sharing your AWS Service Catalog portfolios in an AWS Organizations setup to implement a multi-region, multi-account catalog at scale while incorporating recent updates and best practices. Many AWS customers are adopting AWS Service Catalog to create and manage catalogs of approved IT services for use on AWS. […]

How to enable self-service Amazon WorkSpaces by using AWS Service Catalog Connector for ServiceNow

Introduction Amazon WorkSpaces is a fully managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution that runs on AWS. AWS provides several choices to deploy desktops to users. Some organizations need help integrating this process into their existing automation and Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) tools. Many of the customers I talk to want to have an approval process […]