AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Customizations for AWS Control Tower

Provision sandbox accounts with budget limits to reduce costs using AWS Control Tower

Provision sandbox accounts with budget limits to reduce costs using AWS Control Tower

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers struggle to keep cloud costs under control while allowing employees to innovate and develop their AWS skills. We talk to technology leaders every day who rank controlling cloud spend among their top concerns. Those same leaders don’t want to stifle innovation or restrict employee’s ability to learn AWS. Using […]

Chaos engineering leveraging AWS Fault Injection Simulator in a multi-account AWS environment

Large-scale distributed software systems in the cloud are composed of several individual sub-systems—such as CDNs, load balancers, web servers, application servers and databases—as well as their interactions. The interactions sometimes have unpredictable outcomes caused by unforeseen events (for example, a network failure, instance failure, etc.). These events can lead to system-wide failures of your critical […]

Developing, versioning, testing, and deploying landing zone changes using CfCT across multiple landing zones

Developing, versioning, testing, and deploying landing zone changes using CfCT across multiple landing zones

Enterprise customers often ask how they can minimize risk when they’re developing and testing a landing zone configuration. They also want to know how they can promote code between multiple landing zones. ­AWS Control Tower provides the easiest way to set up and govern a secure, multi-account AWS environment, called a landing zone. Customers who […]