AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: X-Ray

Adding metrics and traces to your application on Amazon EKS with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch

In order to make a system observable, it must be instrumented. This means that code to emit traces, metrics and logs must be added to the application either manually, with libraries, or with automatic instrumentation agents. Once deployed, the instrumented data from the application will be sent to the respective backend. There are a number […]

How to develop an Observability strategy – Part 2

Your observability strategy starts with your business. “Observability” describes how well you can understand what’s happening in a system. Developing an observability strategy isn’t a one-time effort. It’s a continuous improvement effort that occurs throughout the lifecycle of your workloads. It enables your teams to determine whether or not the workloads they design and run […]